Happy Valentines!
by malaya

So many people complain about the “holiday” valentines day.

It’s just another commercialize holiday…
Love should be shown everyday…
Why is there a day to celebrate couples…
How do singles enjoy the day where the are all the cheesy lovey-Dovey stuff all around…

We don’t know the true story behind valentines day. We don’t think it needs to be celebrated by buying each other expensive gifts. We don’t think that love should be shown only on this one day a year. But we also don’t think that it shouldn’t be celebrated.

So this year we celebrated twice. Once on actual valentines day, just the two of us, as the romantic valentines that the day has become. And then again over the weekend with some of our closest friends. Just like elementary school, before having boyfriends and girlfriends, when valentine cards would be passed out to everyone in the class, we wanted to share our love and appreciation with more than just each other.

So with our friends, instead of passing out valentine cards to them, we decided to cook dinner for them.

Posted February 18th, 2012 in Our Story.

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